Allodsbase is a talent calculator for Allods Online. It's main purpose is to help the users create talent builds and share them with other players.
"About calculator
What is it?
This is a talent calculator for Allods Online which helps to create builds and show these to other players.
How to use this calculator?
To level up a talent or a ruby left-click on it.
To level down right-click them.
Opera users can use Ctrl+Left-click.
To lock a build click on the lock which is located near "Required level".
When you open a build by link calculator is locked.
To reset talents or rubies click on one of the crosses .
You can use browser's Back/Forward buttons to undo/redo actions.
How to give build to someone?
1.Create a build.
2.Copy address of „Link to this build“ link.
3.Share this link.
- Characteristics don't pass with link."(quote from "Allodsbase")