You can type a message by pressing “ENTER”, typing your message, and pressing “ENTER” another time. All messages will appear in the chat window which is located in the bottom left-hand corner of the interface.
Chat Channels:[]
/say - The messages will be heard by anyone in the close vincinity.
/whisper - Send a direct message to a player
/party - The message will be sent to everyone in your party
/raid - The message will be sent to everyone in your Raid group
/guild - The message will be sent to everyone in your guild
/officer - The message will be sent to every officer in your Guild
/zone - The message will be sent to the whole zone that the character is in.
You can customize the appearance of your chat window by clicking the exclamation point in the bottom left-hand corner of the window. In this menu you may change the font type, font size, lock or unlock the window, minimize the window, or clear all messages in the window. If you chose to unlock your chat window, you may position it anywhere around the interface by clicking on the black box in the top right-hand corner and dragging it to the desired location. You can also change the size of your window by clicking on and dragging the yellow triangle in bottom right-hand corner. For further customization, you can right-click the General tab in the chat window to bring up a menu that will allow you to choose which chat channels appear in the chat window. You can also change what color the text in each channel is displayed in.
/afk or /brb
/biceps or /flex or /muscles
/curse or /rasp
/chuckle or /giggle or /laugh or /lol or /rofl
/congratulate or /congrats or /grats
/flirt or /sexy
/joke or /jest
/nod or /yes or /ok or /yeah
/no or /nope
/surprise or /scare