Forums: Index > Watercooler > Adding to Ship Device Database
I've started creating a database that will contain information about Ship Devices. I have created a number of templates that will make adding articles very fast and easy for new users.
When we have some data to work with, I'll be able to create a convenient table that will make it easier to compare the devices.
All you need to do is create an article, copy-paste the text from a template, and fill in the data:
- Template:Artillery
- Template:Cannon
- Template:Helm
- Template:Motor
- Template:Reactor
- Template:Repair Tools
- Template:Scanner
- Template:Shield
- Template:Turbine
- Template:Visor
The templates will automatically format the page and will add the article to the list of devices.--IcecreamKitten 10:33, June 29, 2010 (UTC)