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Mining allows you to see and mine mineral nodes in order to obtain various resources.

AOgame 2011-01-15 18-00-08-24

A player mining in Novograd

To learn Mining, you need to visit a Blacksmithing Trainer and purchase a Blacksmith's Training Manual.


Mining is a gathering profession complementary to, and gained with, Blacksmithing.


A Mining Pick is required to mine nodes. It can be purchased from the Mining Trainer, or the Blacksmithing Trainer.

There are four kinds of mining picks. Better picks reduce the chance of failing when gathering a node. This also depends on the level of the node, so a Pristine Pick will practically never fail on low-level nodes while still failing sometimes in late-game areas.
Name Level Required Price
Rusty Pick none 4s 75c
Ordinary Pick 20 71s 25c
Sharp Pick 30 4g 75s
Pristine Pick 40 47g 50s

Mining Nodes[]

Mining node

A mining node.

Resources are gathered from special nodes, which appear all over the map. The nodes are indicated by floating yellow orbs. Any node may be represented by one or multiple orbs, scattered around an area. To harvest, approach any orb and press the Gather key (default Z), or right-click on the Mining Pick in your inventory. The collected resources will go to the Crafting tab of your inventory.
  • Nodes can be found all over Sarnaut.
  • Every node will produce 2-7 pieces of Ore for the specific metal type that can be gathered in that area. You can use a Kit of Mysterious Metal Shards to re-roll the type and number of resources that you have received.
  • Each node can drop items from a specific metal type. The approximate locations of most nodes are fixed as well. Usually all nodes in an area drop resources from a single metal type (Lightwood nodes drop only Impure Copper Ore, for example). Some areas contain nodes for two different types (such as Igsh Military District, that drops both Impure Copper and Refined Copper Ore).
  • There are Additional types of resources that drop from monsters starting at the Impure Iron Ore level, they are Chain, Rivets, Spikes, and Treadplates that each correspond to a specific stat.
  • Your skill level is capped at your level (for example, at level 9 you can have skill up to level 9)
  • Higher skill level allows gathering of more advanced nodes, so if you can't interact with one you'll have to find lower-level nodes and increase your Mining skill by gathering them.
  • Harvesting a node will deplete it (all yellow orbs will disappear to indicate this), and it will not respawn for a little while . The respawn time is about 10 minutes.
  • There is a chance of failing when you harvest a node. In that occasion, you will not receive any resources, but one yellow orb will disappear. If a node has only one orb, it will be depleted, while a node with multiple orbs will allow you to try again. Better tools can increase the amount of yield a node has.


There are several different metal types that can be gathered from various areas (Impure Copper Ore, Refined Copper Ore, Impure Iron Ore, Rich Iron Ore). This article contains more details about each type of Mining Resources, including gathering locations and skill levels.

Increasing the skill[]

After you use the Blacksmith's Training Manual and buy your Mining Pick, you can complete three tutorial quests that will show you how to increase your skill level very quickly.

  • The first quest requires you to gather 13 Rock Chips (such as the The Basics of Mining: The First Step for League). The chips can be found right near the trainer. You can mine here as long as you easily gain XP. The nodes are close together and the leveling is easy.