Allods Wiki
League Title
Back to the Scout Camp
Start Mila Oakina
End Amanda de Desirae
Level 4 (Req. 4)
Category Evermeet Isle
Experience 210
Reputation 1000 Survivors
Rewards 71Copper
Previous The Missing Scout
Thank the Light! I owe you. Veles... Oh I'm so ashamed to speak about that. You see, Northman is an ancient and respected family, relatives of the Valirs! But they are also the ones responsible for our troubles.
You see, him and his brother Berest helped get the rebels in to Clement's Tower. Their goal was to steal this strange chest of Meteorite Stones and any other useful materials to aid them in a rebellion against the Kanian government!
Amanda managed to get the Stones first, so Veles decided to pose as a refugee in hopes of stealing them from her later. He didn't want to draw attention to himself, so he blackmailed me into getting them from Amanda myself. Turns out he was planning on killing me anyways once I finished his task. Only you saved me from death!
Please help me get back to the Scout Camp. And tell Amanda about what happened... I'll be too embarassed to show my face to her for a long time.


Escort Mila Oakina to the Scout Camp.


What?! Veles was partially responsible for my Uncle's death?
Kanian noblemen! They are a disgrace to the League! And now my Uncle is dead because of these horrible Stones...


  • 210 Experience (level 5)
  • 71c
  • 1000 Survivors Reputation


This quest is part of the The Missing Scout quest.
