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Neutral Title
Demon Hunters
Start Anastasia Leshcheva
End Pascal de Vevre
Level 34 (Req. 33)
Type World Mystery - The Demonic Threat (Empire) and The Demonic Threat (League)
Category Coba Plateau
Experience 1320
Reputation 250 Demon Hunters Reputation
Rewards Graythorn Rod or Baton of Dark Horizons or Orb of Entrancement
6s 72c
Next The Nature of the Darkness
I was told that I could trust you... At least I think it was you. The free trader mercenaries said that you helped to break through the Cordon, right?
Maybe you've already heard of the demons that were spotted on Asee-Teph and Eljune? Demons are still a matter of myth in these parts, but it's only a matter of time until people see what's going on. The artifacts that everyone loves to collect emit darkness, and that is sure to have attracted some demons.
That's why a hunting expedition has come to the Holy Land. We made camp outside of Husk Isle, near one of the anomalies, and set demon detectors in the other three. The detectors are magical devices created by Zem masters from before the Great Astral Campaign, when the whole world was battling those wretches. Nowadays, we're the only ones who still use them, since everybody thinks that demons are a thing of the past. Personally, I don't know about that...
Pascal, the leader of our expedition, has sent me to go take the readings. But I can't leave the inn at the moment - a Hunter named Alexey Luzhin sends word of a demon encounter in the Tekyan Thicket of Asee-Teph. A very strange demon, too, one that could survive outside the Astral for a long period of time! Alexey thinks the beast was a new breed of demon and if that's true... Well, then this is very alarming news. I must stay here and wait for Fielder's return. But at the same time, Pascal is awaiting my return.
This is where I ask you for help. If you plan on traveling beyond the Cordon, could you please find the three detectors, take their readings and bring them to Pascal's camp outside of Husk Isle (Isle of Weakness).
I hope that you don't bear any silly prejudice against us and that you will agree to lend a helping hand.


Take the readings of three Detectors in the anomalies at the Giant's Table, the Barren Boneyard and Husk Isle (Isle of Weakness), and then take them to Pascal de Vevre, leader of the Hunter expedition, at his camp.


Detector readings? I've been waiting for those for quite some time now.

What's wrong with Anastasia? Is she still alive?


  • 250 Demon Hunters Reputation
  • 1320 XP
  • Graythorn Rod or Baton of Dark Horizons or Orb of Entrancement


You need to find and use 3 baloon-like detectors located in given locations. Each of them will give you crystal with readings.
