Allods Wiki
League Title
Lab Rat Extermination
Start Svetobor Ratnev
End Svetobor Ratnev
Level 1
Category Clement's Tower
Experience 110
Rewards Survivor's Cloth Slippers or Survivor's Leather Boots
Previous To Arms!
Next Buslai Hopelesaev
Database Allodsdatabase.png
Through this path lies Clement's laboratory...
Hm, clement's lab rats appear to be blocking our path. The Great Mage Clement used to put them through all kinds of odd experiments, now the rats are extremely vivious. The assailant must've broken the cages and released them while retreating.
In order to proceed through the lab we bust first eliminate the lab rats.
Let's move!


Laboratory Rat 3/3

Kill three rats in the lab of the Great Mage and talk to Svetobor Ratnev.


Impressive. You're more reliable than you look.


I found a piece of old armor in the laboratory. Take it.

During times of war you must use whatever resources you can to your advantage. You must always remember one thing...

Wait! Hold on! Someone's alive in the corridor!

