Slash commands are special commands that are granted to the players in order to control some aspects of the game by using text commands in the regular chat.
Commands are usually used like this:
<command> <optional text>
For example:
/gkick Sunspots
In order to kick the player "Sunspots" from the guild.
How to use | Description |
/invite | Invite the targeted player to your party, requires that you are the party leader or not in a party. |
/kick | Kick the targeted player from your party, requires that you are the party leader. |
/leave | Leave the current party |
/trade | Open a trade with the targeted player |
/follow | Follow your current target (Interrupted by movement, skill or attack) |
/ginvite | Invite the targeted player to your guild. |
/gkick | Kick the targeted player from your guild |
/gleave | Leave your current guild |
/gdisband | Disband your guild |
/walk | Toggles between walking and running |
Chat Channels[]
Most chat commands can be shortened to the first letter or first few letters (ie, /s /g /tele /wo).
/say - The messages will be heard by anyone in the close vincinity.
/tell|/whisper - Send a direct message to a player
/party - The message will be sent to everyone in your party
/raid - The message will be sent to everyone in your Raid group
/guild - The message will be sent to everyone in your guild
/officer - The message will be sent to every officer in your Guild
/zone|/shout - The message will be sent to the whole zone that the character is in; shout is in a different color and costs a megaphone to use
/world - The message will be sent to the whole faction and is unblockable; costs a megaphone to use
/telepathy - The message will be sent anonymously to all Psionicists from both factions; only usable by Psionicists
/biceps or /flex or /muscles
/curse or /rasp
/chuckle or /giggle or /laugh or /lol or /rofl
/congratulate or /congrats or /grats
/dance - Dances with bird/pet | /dance2 - Dance alone | /sdance - Special dance
/emote - Special command to display custom emotes
/flirt or /sexy
/joke or /jest
/nod or /yes or /ok or /yeah
/no or /nope
/surprise or /scare